$5 Friday (and More): Faith, Reformed Theology, and Scripture

It’s time for our weekly $5 Friday sale. This week’s resources include such topics as faith, reformed theology, scripture, John Calvin, the Synod of Dort, and more.

Plus, several bonus resources are also available for more than $5. These have been significantly discounted from their original price. This week’s bonus resources include:

Faith Alone by R.C. Sproul, $18 $10
What Is Reformed Theology? by R.C. Sproul, $17 $11
Maturity: Growing Up and Going on in the Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson, $17 $11
Getting the Gospel Right by R.C. Sproul, $18 $9
Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons by R.C. Sproul, $15 $10
And More

Sale runs through 12:01 a.m.–11:59 p.m. Friday ET.


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