Pro-Abortion Activists Sue Over Texas’ Heartbeat Bill, Which Allows Citizens to Sue Abortion Providers

The state of Texas recently passed an incredibly unique Heartbeat Bill that gives citizens the right to sue abortionists or anyone who helps in the abortion process. It’s a completely different type of bill, and one that supporters hope will be more effective than other recent measures. No surprise, abortion activists are now suing the state.

Planned Parenthood tweeted, “We’re going to court in Texas to stop SB8, a blatantly unconstitutional attack on abortion, from hurting patients and their providers. A person’s abortion is their business—no one else’s. Not a politician’s, not their neighbor’s and definitely not a complete stranger’s.

“SB8 will open the floodgates to lawsuits intended to intimidate patients and abortion providers. We will do everything in our power to fight this law in court and ensure that every Texan is able to make their own decisions about their health and their future—no matter what. #TXlege”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Jane’s Due Process are joining the lawsuit as well.

To say that the abortion movement is concerned about this latest effort is an understatement.

Texas’ Heartbeat Bill is completely different than the others passed throughout the country, which are designed to limit abortion to the sixth or eighth week of pregnancy. Instead of state and local officials being burdened with enforcing the abortion regulations, and being quickly challenged and dismissed in the courts, the public could actually sue the abortionist or even those who financed or supported the abortion in civil court. 

So, for example, a grandmother of a child that’s been aborted could sue the abortionist for the loss of that precious relationship. A grandfather whose daughter was given money for an abortion by one of her friends could sue over the loss of his grandchild.

Most importantly, a father who expressed interest in raising his child only to have the mother rebuff it outright due to pressure from her family or fear over the future, could also go to civil court against the abortion provider over the loss of his son or daughter

Pro-life citizens and groups also have the right to engage legally against the abortion provider. 

This law not only protects preborn children, but it allows passionate pro-life advocates to recognize the individual lives of those boys and girls who have been aborted.

The abortion industry thrives on the lack of humanity that many people have towards the preborn, at least once the woman expresses interest in having an abortion. From calling a baby just a “blob of tissue” to the callous way scientists utilize preborn remains in science experiments, the abortion business thrives by denying biology, medicine, science and human nature itself so that they can continue operating without interference from citizens or the government.

But what if pro-life individuals and groups, who mourn the loss of their fellow future citizens to an abortionist’s scalpel, could sue on behalf of those that have been lost? Recognizing the lives of these babies in a legal sense.

That changes the argument.

It’s no longer about just “a woman’s right,” but the right of every human being created in the image of God to life. Our Declaration of Independence famously states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” (author’s emphasis added)

If all men are equal, then abortion is not morally sound because a child’s most basic right, the right to life, has been denied by someone else.

If Texas’ law goes into effect, every child aborted in the State of Texas could be eligible to receive legal recognition, beyond just a note in the latest abortion statistics. Abortionists would also immediately be out of business, as fighting every legal challenge and recognizing every life taken would be too much.

Supporters of SB8 are fairly confident that the bill is bullet proof, but abortion activists will do everything they can against it.

Photo from Shutterstock

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