A battle is raging for the souls of men and women in the military, and you can equip soldiers in the fight of faith.
As members of the armed forces dedicate their lives to protecting freedoms and pursuing peace, military chaplains are there to minister to the troops. Too often, however, chaplains lack the resources they require to meet soldiers’ spiritual needs, while many chaplains serve without the support and encouragement of other mature Christians. You can help.
Through your generous support, military chaplains are being equipped with custom care packages, including trustworthy books, teaching series, study Bibles, and more, so they can better minister to the men, women, and military families under their care.
This chaplain outreach is incredibly important to Ligonier Ministries, just as it was to R.C. Sproul. A few years ago, we spoke with Chaplain Jim Carter, a former seminary student of Dr. Sproul’s and a longtime friend of Ligonier, about how essential it is for the military to be well supplied and spiritually fed with the Word of God. Watch below.
In the last nine months alone, one hundred new chaplains have enrolled in the program. This need only continues to rise as more military chaplains seek out reliable teaching to help soldiers win their spiritual battles. One chaplain, Joe Salem, recently requested theological resources that could have a wide-reaching impact at his next station.
“I begin my next assignment as the Staff Chaplain of the Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss in late June. I will serve approximately 2,500 future Sergeants Major per year and approximately seventy-five staff personnel. Please know that any materials I receive from this ministry will not only help shape the souls of the senior enlisted leaders of the Army, but also the quality of their leadership with thousands of warfighters.” —CH (MAJ) JOE SALEM
Chaplain Jonathan Craig also reached out to Ligonier to express how the support of ministry friends such as you is providing a spiritual supply line for those on active duty and their families at home.
“I regularly stock our literature racks with the Crucial Questions booklets, and they are hard to keep on the shelves. Military and civilian personnel are eagerly snatching them up to gain a deeper appreciation for the truth of God’s Word.” —CH JONATHAN CRAIG
Most chaplains who partner with Ligonier are ministering to thousands of servicemen and women at a time, faced with the constant challenge of outfitting their soldiers with gospel resources. Because of the financial support of those who believe in this outreach and want it to expand, our partner chaplains currently serve an estimated 850,000 men and women in uniform, as well as their families.
“Ligonier has been a terrific support for me as a Navy chaplain. I am confident these materials are helping sailors grow in their faith and being used by our glorious God to fulfill His amazing purposes. Thank you, Ligonier, for being there for me and my sailors!” —CH BUSTER WILLIAMS
However, millions more on the front lines and the home front are still awaiting needed reinforcements in their battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. By God’s grace, your gift of $25, $50, or $100 can help renew minds and transform lives through this partnership, equipping soldiers in the knowledge of the Lord.
Thank you for ministering to the armed forces through your prayers and generosity. If you know a chaplain who would be interested in receiving our materials, please put them in contact with the team at chaplain@ligonier.org. We would be honored to serve them with you.
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