Pro-Abortion Activists are Still in a Tailspin Over Texas’ New Heartbeat Bill

Pro-abortion activists are in a panic after Texas, one of the nation’s largest states, became the latest to pass a heartbeat bill, which would ban abortion after the preborn baby’s heartbeat is detected in the early weeks of pregnancy. The Texas Senate is also advancing a bill that would ban abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Pro-abortion activists and certain outlets of the media are now in a tailspin over these latest, sweeping pro-life pieces of legislation. From accusations of misogyny to comparisons to the Hulu and book series, The Handmaid’s Tale, pro-abortion activists continue to distort the truth about pro-life legislation.

In an opinion piece for The Guardian, writer Moria Donegan stated,“If left intact, the law would not only force Texas women to remain pregnant against their will; it would also empower any misogynist or anti-choice person to impose their bigotry on Texas residents through frivolous and harassing lawsuits. Hopefully, courts will throw out the civil suit provision. If they don’t, free speech in Texas will be severely curtailed.

“For the most part, these bills have functioned as a grim kind of misogynist political theater, deliberate messaging exercises that don’t really go anywhere.” 

But how is it “bigotry” to want to protect the life of a preborn baby? Or “misogynistic” to want to protect a preborn baby girl in the womb from being aborted for simply not being a boy? That’s the antithesis of misogyny.

Noah Feldman of Bloomberg calls the legislation “devious and doomed,” since the bill is unique in that it allows people to pursue civil instead of criminal routes when it comes to those who violate the heartbeat bill. The crafters of this bill are hoping that this makes it less vulnerable to pro-abortion litigation.

He wrote, “When a state adopts a flatly unconstitutional anti-abortion law, as Texas did last week, it ordinarily never takes effect. Activists immediately ask a federal court to order state officials not to enforce it, and the court does. What’s unusual — and scary — is that this time, Texas is trying to get around this hurdle through legal trickery. Its efforts are likely to fail, but seeing how and why requires going through a bit of detail.”

Esquire Magazine, in a rundown of recent legislation, argued that “Governor Greg Abbott is perilously close to owing Margaret Atwood some hefty royalties.”

Atwood is famous for her book The Handmaid’s Tale, which is about a dystopian society run by radical and supposedly American Christian activists that try to control women and have “handmaids” who serve as sex slaves and help the men with procreation.

The Handmaid’s Tale has gained even more traction in recent years due to the Hulu series of the same name, which portrays graphic physical and sexual violence against women.

Esquire writer Charles P. Pierce made the situation sound especially dire, stating, “But, not content with reliving the glory days of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Abbott and his state legislature decided that a little touch of East Germany was just what the situation needed.”

According to the Senate’s website, “The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise, created two new territories, and allowed for popular sovereignty. It also produced a violent uprising known as ‘Bleeding Kansas,’ as proslavery and antislavery activists flooded into the territories to sway the vote. Political turmoil followed, destroying the remnants of the old Whig coalition and leading to the creation of the new Republican Party. Stephen Douglas had touted his bill as a peaceful settlement of national issues, but what it produced was a prelude to civil war.”

That’s quite the allegation, but it’s expected from the pro-abortion side. At the end of the day, those that support abortion no longer care about debating the morals of procedure or its impact on society. It’s about making sure that abortion remains on demand, no matter how damaging it is to society.

If a law doesn’t go their way, they introduce into the media radical and unsubstantiated claims that attempt to make the simple act of protecting the life of a preborn baby into something terrible.

Photo from Rena Schild /

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