Have You Ever Explored God’s Wisdom in Proverbs?

Living Well

The book of Proverbs presents a treasure of godly insights for successfully navigating everyday life. Living Well: God’s Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs explores these invaluable lessons, which come directly from God and have endured for three thousand years.

Organized by topic, Living Well unpacks more than forty subjects that are addressed in Proverbs. Across ten easy-to-read chapters, Living Well will lead you subject by subject through God’s instructions relating to essential areas of life like interpersonal relationships, handling finances, marriage, parenting, and work. You’ll also explore warnings related to the power of words and the danger of pride. Importantly and helpfully, Living Well frames all of this profitable wisdom in a way that makes it easy to assimilate God’s rich instruction into modern life by offering examples that relate to our contemporary world.

Proverbs is great for reading on a quiet afternoon, and Living Well serves as an excellent guide and companion, helping readers to understand and apply all that God teaches about managing the practical aspects of everyday life wisely.

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