Progressive Christianity: Coming to a Church Near You

A self-described “progressive” Christian church in Nashville, TN made headlines last week with a meme claiming the Bible is not the word of God, not infallible, and not inerrant. Years…

Sen. Rick Scott slams Democrats for saying ‘you can protest, but you can’t go to church’

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., delivered an impassioned speech at the 2021 Conservative Political Conference, slamming Democrats for allowing people to protest during the coronavirus but preventing them from going to…

317 girls kidnapped from boarding school in Nigeria; parents praying for ‘divine intervention’

Armed militants kidnapped 317 girls from a boarding school early Friday morning in northwest Nigeria during a wave of mass abductions in Africa’s most populous nation. Read More The Christian…

Chinese Christian woman persecuted for faith reveals why time in prison was ‘wonderful’

In an interview with The Christian Post, Voice of the Martyrs’ Todd Nettleton shares the incredible story of Sister Tong, a Chinese Christian woman who viewed her time in prison…

CPAC: CloutHub CEO announces plans to create ‘Faith Hub’ on social media platform

The CEO of an alternative social media site announced plans to create a “Faith Hub” on his platform to allow people to discuss their faith freely without fear of censorship.…

Study: Hands of “Ardi” Indicate a Chimp-like Tree-Dweller and Knuckle-Walker

Initially, Ardi was widely called the “oldest human ancestor,” due to its supposed skeletal traits that indicated an early bipedal (upright walking) species. Source Read More Evolution News

What’s the Problem with “Name It and Claim It”? (Video)

Is the “prosperity gospel” Biblically legitimate? Is there any Biblical support for “name it and claim it” theology? How can I determine if this theology is heretical? In this clip…

How Do I Know I Am Truly a Christian When I Constantly Struggle with Sin?

As we struggle daily with sin, our assurance of salvation can waver, and we might even question if we truly belong to the Lord. From an online youth conference hosted…

XXXchurch acquired by former staffer, ‘shifting focus’ on community

A California-based web ministry created nearly 20 years ago to combat pornography addiction and witness to those in the adult entertainment industry has a new owner. Read More The Christian…

Equality Act will force people to hide their faith, Sen. Lankford warns at CPAC

At the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference, a United States senator warned that the Equality Act would force people to hide their faith and accused one of President Joe Biden’s…

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