Planned Parenthood Received $618.1 Million in Taxpayer Funds in 2019 While Performing More Abortions than Ever

Planned Parenthood has just released its annual report, and not only did the organization perform more abortions than ever before but it did so while taking in $618.1 million in taxpayer funds.

In 2019, Planned Parenthood performed 354,871 abortions. Planned Parenthood now accounts for about 41% of all abortions performed in the United States. That’s up 7% since 2009 and a shocking 168.2% since 1991, which is the earliest report available to The Daily Citizen.

Abortion accounts for roughly 15% of Planned Parenthood’s business, a conclusion accomplished by dividing the number of abortions by the number of unduplicated clients (2.4 million). As a comparison, abortion only accounted for about 4% of abortions in 1993.

This isn’t a surprise. For the last couple of years, Planned Parenthood has been trying to expand its abortion operations through the building of various mega clinics and putting other smaller, independent abortion clinics out of business. If this trend continues, it wouldn’t be surprising if Planned Parenthood eventually achieves its monopoly over the abortion industry

Planned Parenthood has also gone back to reporting that abortion only makes up 3% of all services, after increasing it to 4% last year. This number is achieved by dividing the number of abortions by the number of “services,” but the number has been consistently 3% or occasionally 4% over the last 25 years. This conclusion seems statistically impossible, since the number of clients, clinics and clinical visits have fluctuated during that time.

In addition to performing more abortions than ever before, the abortion business also took in a staggering $618.1 million dollars in what’s called “government health service grants and reimbursement.” That’s a 10% increase in taxpayer funds from the last year.

This includes Medicaid payments and various grants for education and other services. What’s most surprising, is that this number likely doesn’t include Title X funding, since former President Donald Trump defunded Planned Parenthood $60 million of Title X funding in July 2019.

Another interesting highlight from the report is Planned Parenthood’s increasing digital presence.

In the reporting time period, between 2019 and 2020, nearly 200 million visited its website. This is a number that’s increased year after year, with only 22 million visiting just 10 years ago.

It also saw 206,454 people reach out to converse via chat/text with a “sexual health expert” and nearly 5 million people utilized Roo, the app created by Planned Parenthood that “answers all your awkward questions about sexual health, relationships, growing up, and more.” 

Clients are also increasingly utilizing its online scheduling system, sadly, making it easier than ever for women to sign up for health services or abortions.

Other items of note from the report include a slight increase in the number of cancer screenings and contraception services, which have both been trending downwards. In particular, the number of women receiving tubal ligation fell sharply from 135 last year to 27 this year and 96% overall in the last 10 years. The downward trend for “other health services,” including primary care, continues, while the number of clients seeking out testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections continues to grow.

As every year goes by, the annual reports published by Planned Parenthood show disturbing trends. The organization is investing more and more in both abortion and trying to influence the next generation through its online applications.

Photo from Ken Wolter /

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