The God of Peace

In the Bible, peace is more than the absence of hostility. From his teaching series Blessing and Praise, H.B. Charles Jr. describes what it means to belong to the God of peace.


What is peace? It is more than the absence of hostility and animosity and trouble. It is more than the absence of negative realities. The idea of peace in the Bible is wholeness and completeness and blessing and fulfillment. When, in the Old Testament, one would say to another, “Peace be with you,” he is not saying merely, “I hope you don’t get into a fight today.” It is a positive statement of blessing. May God’s help and strength and favor be yours. Peace be with you. The question is where does this peace come from? That’s the emphasis here. He is saying that true peace comes only from God. God is the God of peace. Where there is God, there is peace. Where there is true peace, there is God. God is the source of peace. God is the substance of peace. God is the sustainer of peace. God is the supply of peace. Isaiah 26:3: “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.” The one who runs to the cross and trusts the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation is a beneficiary of peace with God says Romans 5:1. “Having been justified by faith, we now have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Sin makes us enemies of God but the blood of the righteousness of Christ brings peace with God. But not only does the Christian have peace with God, he has access to the peace of God. Philippians chapter 4:6–7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.” John Blanchard commented there that the peace of God is being grateful for past mercy, conscious of present mercy, and certain of future mercy. God is the God of peace.

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