You Don’t Know God If You Don’t Love Christ – John Piper

If you want to know whether others love God, ask if they love the Jesus of Scripture. Love for Jesus is the litmus test of love for God. Listen Now…

Our Problem Lies Within

Something has gone wrong with the image of God in mankind. This problem is out outside of us but within. In this brief clip, Steven Lawson describes the effects of…

God Can Redeem Your Family History – Ray Ortlund

There is no joy like family joy. And there is no pain like family pain. Why is this so? Because family relationships are, by God’s own design, intense. God created…

How to Pursue All Lowliness: Ephesians 4:1–6, Part 8 – John Piper

Lowliness isn’t something that we should want just enough of to get by. We should desire “all humility” to glorify Christ. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

What Does the Bible Tell Us Heaven Will Be Like?

What happens when we die? And what will heaven be like? In Heaven on Earth: What the Bible Teaches about Life to Come, author Derek Thomas draws directly from Scripture…

Theology and the Church

Theology, the truth that is from God and about God, is for the life of the church. Jesus is building His church by making disciples who follow Him, confessing the…

Where Is the Power of God?

The last sermon Martin Luther preached was in the second week of February 1546 in his hometown of Eisleben. Two days later, he would become ill and soon after perish.…

Is Death Past, Present, or Future? – John Piper

According to Paul, Christians have died, will die, and die every day. What do these different deaths mean, and how else does Scripture speak of our dying? Listen Now Read…

Children Grow Slow and Leave Fast – Sam Crabtree

These are difficult days for parents. And not simply because of the world’s onslaught of deceptive claims, but also because of its pace. Increasingly, the clocks of modern society are…

Some Thoughts on Sin and Hell

It may surprise some to consider that the strongest words in the Bible concerning hell come from the lips of Jesus Christ Himself. For example, in Mark 9:48, Jesus uses…

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