How ‘Progressive’ Can a Christian Get? – John Piper

None of us has an infallible understanding of the Bible, but at what point does open contradiction of Scripture call into question someone’s profession of faith? Listen Now Read More…

Watch “A Parkside Christmas”

Enjoy watching this post-produced version of the 2020 musical event “A Parkside Christmas” with Alistair Begg. Christian recording artists Fernando Ortega, Michael O’Brien, Laura Story, and Brenton Brown perform songs…

The Resurrection of Jesus

This article on the resurrection of Jesus appears at the time of year when we are focusing on His birth, not His death and resurrection. To stop and think about…

The Perils of a Passive Man – Marshall Segal

I had never thought of myself as passive. Throughout high school and college, and all throughout my twenties, I had been the driven dreamer and achiever. I thought of myself…

Christian Love Is Sacrificial Love: Ephesians 5:1–2, Part 2 – John Piper

Loving others as Christ loved us is not a safe or convenient enterprise. It is a sacrificial love that bleeds. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

The Fruit of the Spirit: God’s Faithfulness and Ours (Part 7 of 9)

The whole cosmos, from the largest and farthest galaxies down to the most microscopic organisms and beyond, depends on the faithfulness of God in Christ, who “upholds the universe by…

God’s Plan When Our Plans Fail – John Piper

God, in his grace, does not keep us from trouble and pain. But he does order and measure our trouble and pain — and then uphold us through it all.…

Jesus’s Favorite Title for Jesus – Greg Lanier

The hit CBS show Undercover Boss has enjoyed a decade-long run based on a simple premise. Conceal the identity of a high-ranking leader of a company as he or she…

5 Recommended Resources on the Trinity

5 Recommended Resources on the Trinity Our finite minds struggle to understand an infinite God, and human metaphors always fall short as we seek to grasp the essence of the…

A More Bible-Saturated Me: How the Word Revives Women – Kristin Couch

It begins as a low, steady hum before twisting to urgent whispers, growing louder, tugging for more attention: Go ahead, buy just one more item; slip into one more coffee…

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