Memorial Day: Home of the brave

Memorial Day is about paying tribute to the bravest of the brave, our fallen heroes of wartime. That this nation fought four major wars before the idea of a Memorial…

The church’s battle against political polarization

I am convicted that people are now making political and social beliefs, primarily with either the Democratic or Republican party, as their identity. Especially Christians. It’s not what you think…

Prayer: A memorial to the Lord

The Christian soldier fights not just for today or even for the next hundred years, or as long as the life of a nation may last. The Christian soldier, like…

Christian doctor working on COVID program faces criminal charges in India for saying ‘Jesus heals’

A young Christian doctor in India’s central state of Madhya Pradesh has been suspended from a government program to help combat the deadly second wave of COVID-19 and is facing…

Responding to the ‘don’t know, don’t care about God’ crowd

Take agnosticism and tack on a sense of insignificance to the idea of God and you have the apatheist. Surprisingly, there are a lot more of them than you may…

‘Turning to Almighty God’: 5 profound Memorial Day proclamations

Memorial Day is an annual federal observance that honors those in the U.S. military who have passed away and a day for Americans to spend time praying for “permanent peace.”…

A Memorial Day reflection: What we should remember today

Our country’s shortcomings, flaws and sins are real and we must repent of them and continue to work for liberty and justice for all. Even with all of our struggles,…

USA Today faces backlash for caving to LGBT activists, editing op-ed to not identify boys as ‘male’

A major American newspaper has faced criticism for retroactively editing an op-ed it published because the author used the word “male” to describe boys who identify as female, which the…

Archaeologist known for using the Bible as her guide, unearthing King David’s palace, dies at 64

Eilat Mazar, one of Jerusalem’s foremost archaeologists who discovered King David’s palace in the City of David and once said, “I work with the Bible in one hand and the…

Pastor Greg Laurie shares how to ‘overcome the devil’ in sermon on Revelation 11-12

Greg Laurie, senior pastor and founder of the multi-campus Harvest Christian Fellowship in California, explained in a sermon how Christians can overcome the devil as all in an invisible war, a…

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