Fine-Timing as Evidence of Intelligence Design

Sometimes it’s not just the tuning that indicates design. Sometimes it’s the timing as well. Source Read More Evolution News

Were the Gospels Written Decades After the Eyewitnesses Died? (Video)

Were the Gospels truly written by eyewitnesses? Can these ancient documents be dated early enough to have been written by eyewitnesses? In this interview with Andy Bannister, from the SolasCPC…

Bioengineer Matti Leisola: From Darwin to Design

Dr. Leisola also relates some of the irrational reactions he sometimes met with from colleagues, and how he navigated those tense situations. Source Read More Evolution News

How Frogs and Fish “Count”

We’re beginning to find out more about how animals that don’t really “think” much can keep track of numbers, when needed. Source Read More Evolution News

Where is the Real Mt. Sinai? | with Tim Mahoney

Is there any evidence for the Exodus? Where is the real Mount Sinai? Our Bible maps and traditional Bible scholars think that the issue is settled, but does what they…

“Poor Design”? Human Skeletal Joints Demonstrate Engineering Genius

Stuart Burgess answers evolutionist Nathan Lents, who has argued that human joints are poorly designed. Source Read More Evolution News

Theory in Crisis? Some Cautionary Words

Philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn was criticized for various inconsistencies in his argument. Source Read More Evolution News

Fossil Friday: Eurotamandua — Anteater or Not Even Close?

Darwinists have to appeal to the ad hoc hypothesis of convergent adaptation to similar lifestyles, which of course increases their problem. Source Read More Evolution News

If You Don’t Like Abortion, Don’t Have One

A post at Stand Up For The Truth describes the efforts of “progressive Christians” to “use the Bible to promote abortion”. The article cited at the Christian Left Blog (entitled, “The Bible Tells Us…

The Law Society in UK Endorses “Nature Rights”

In other words, we should redefine our self-understanding as being just another species in the forest. Source Read More Evolution News

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