A Book Forty Years in the Making

Pastor and theologian Sinclair Ferguson discusses the long background to his book Maturity. He also explains that once we become followers of Christ, our journey to grow into mature believers…

Mercy on Every Side: Calvin’s Misunderstood Doctrine of Election – David Gibson

ABSTRACT: John Calvin’s doctrine of election, though well known, is not well understood. Many assume they know what Calvin means by the doctrine without listening carefully to his treatment of…

The Pleasure of God in All of History: Ephesians 1:7–10, Part 8 – John Piper

God has a joyful plan and has worked it out in history, and the climax of that plan is the person and work of his Son. Watch Now Read More…

Discourse with the Foolish

Here’s an excerpt from Discourse with the Foolish, Harry L. Reeder III’s contribution to the August issue of Tabletalk: Proverbs 26:4–5 tells us: “Answer not a fool according to his…

What Characteristics Mark an Effective Church? Part 5 of 7: Mutual Care

In the book of Acts, we see Jesus’ followers adopting an entirely new pattern of community life that extended to their pocketbooks! As Alistair continues this series of short talks…

How Can I Help My Evolutionist Son Respect Both Science and Scripture?

Science can help us make observations in the world, but it can never explain the origin of the world. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, John MacArthur shows that…

When Should I Follow My Heart? – John Piper

If a Christian desires God above all, then shouldn’t he follow his heart? Or are our hearts so deceitful that we can never trust them at all? Listen Now Read…

Men of God Are Men of His Word – Ben Collins

After years of pastoral ministry, and after meeting with dozens of men, here’s one lesson I have learned: Christian men know and feel that they should be reading the Bible.…

True Love

“All you need is love.” So sang the Beatles. If they’d been singing about God’s love, the statement would have a grain of truth in it. But what usually goes…

‘Maturity: Growing Up and Going On in the Christian Life’

In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul writes that the goal of his ministry is to “present everyone mature in Christ” (Col. 1:28). So how do we reach…

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