Can Unbelievers Do Good Deeds?

Imagine a circle that represents the character of mankind. Now imagine that if someone sins, a spot—a moral blemish of sorts—appears in the circle, marring the character of man. If…

Video: “The Flea Flees” by Alistair Begg

After sparing Saul’s life a second time, David allowed fear to overturn his confidence in God’s protection. Rather than seeking refuge in the Lord, he escaped into enemy territory and…

$5 Friday (And More): Joy, the Prodigal Son, & Theology

It’s time for our weekly $5 Friday sale. This week’s resources include such topics as joy, the prodigal son, theology, grace, Martin Luther, preaching, and more. Plus, several bonus resources…

The Forgotten Book for Sexual Purity – Marshall Segal

Conquering sexual sin, especially the sin of indulging in pornography, takes more than internet filters and accountability reports. Good tools are priceless, even indispensable. Accountability software proved invaluable in my…

Truly Loving Discourse

Here’s an excerpt from Truly Loving Discourse, Jason K. Allen’s contribution to the August issue of Tabletalk: Ours is a loquacious age. Words travel toward us at warp speed, landing…

Hymn: “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven” by Henry Francis Lyte

Praise, my soul, the King of heaven,To His feet thy tribute bring.Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,Evermore His praises sing;Alleluia! Alleluia!Praise the everlasting King. Praise Him for His grace and favor To…

When Does Love Insist On Its Way? – Jon Bloom

First Corinthians 13 is one of the most beautiful texts — morally and lyrically — not only in all of Scripture, but in all of literature, period. It is a…

How Did John Piper Become a Calvinist? – John Piper

When John Piper entered seminary in 1968, he believed in the self-determining will of man. But then he encountered Philippians 2 and Romans 9. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

In Times of Trouble, Run to Romans 8:28

Nothing happens without God willing it to happen before it happens. From Made in the Image of God, Derek Thomas refers to Romans 8:28. Transcript: The powers that be are…

The Necessity of Effectively Communicating to Children

Like many, I have watched my fair share of films over the years, and the vast majority have been quite forgettable. There are a small number that I enjoyed enough…

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