Courage Takes More Than a Keyboard: Christian Nerve in a Digital Age – Samuel James

Not long ago I saw an Instagram post criticizing a popular children’s book. In a scene where the main character of the story had fallen off his bike, the character…

The Church’s One Foundation

More than forty years ago, Los Angeles experienced a terrible earthquake, one of the worst in the city’s history. I remember the event because just before the earthquake, I had…

The Proverbs 31 Warfare: How Home Unleashes a Woman – Scott Hubbard

If you were to list the Bible’s greatest heroines, whom would you choose? Which women display the kind of valor and strength worthy of being called heroism? Some of us…

Chosen by God to Inherit God: Ephesians 1:11–14, Part 1 – John Piper

The glory of adoption is that we now receive an inheritance from God, and the best inheritance he could give us is himself. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Discourse with Enemies

Here’s an excerpt from Discourse with Enemies, Lee Gatiss’ contribution to the August issue of Tabletalk: The lack of civility in public life these days is regularly commented on. The…

What Characteristics Mark an Effective Church? Part 6 of 7: A Worshiping Community

Have you ever been reluctant to sing wholeheartedly at church? Alistair reminds us that singing gives God the glory that’s due to His name. Learning the marks of an effective…

Why Is It Important to Understand Penal Substitutionary Atonement?

Unless we understand the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement, we will not understand why Christ died. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, John MacArthur explains why the cross stands…

Will the New Creation Look Like This One? – John Piper

The new creation will probably seem familiar to us. But there will also be new dimensions of life and joy we can’t even begin to fathom. Listen Now Read More…

What Could Be Wrong with ‘Church Planting’? Six Dangers in a Missions Strategy – Mack Stiles

Every Christian is for church planting, right? How could you be against it? It’s biblical: Paul writes, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:6). The…

Are You Shaped By the World or By the Word?

There’s a section in department stores these days called “shapewear.” It’s in both women’s and men’s clothing. These stores are banking on our concern with the shape of our bodies…

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