Is My Career in Marketing Vain? – John Piper

Some marketing succeeds by cultivating consumerism in the human heart. Can a Christian glorify God in that kind of job? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

Alone Against the Mob: Crowds, Cancel Culture, and Courage – Greg Morse

Possessing the power to make the timid brave, the good better, or the bad devastating: crowds. When passions are shared, they swell, exciting actions to the status of legend or…

If the Lord Marks Iniquity, Who Should Stand?

The Psalmist asked the question: “If the Lord marks iniquity, who should stand?” This query is obviously rhetorical. The only answer, indeed the obvious answer is no one. The question…

The Quiet Power of Ordinary Devotions – Scott Hubbard

As Christians, we are not interested in merely reading our Bibles. We want to be moved, inspired, changed by what we read. We do not wake up early simply to…

Bebbington’s Four Points of Evangelicalism

From his series A Survey of Church History, W. Robert Godfrey refers to D.W. Bebbington’s four points of evangelicalism. Transcript: The British scholar D.W. Bebbington suggested that Evangelicalism essentially has…

The Precious Importance of Predestination: Ephesians 1:11–14, Part 2 – John Piper

Why does the apostle Paul spend so much time drilling down into the realities and importance of predestination? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

The Path Between Lukewarm and Worn Out – Marshall Segal

The normal, run-of-the-mill Christian life is a spectacular miracle, something literally impossible without real and daily divine intervention. That miracle is a genuine, lived-out, heart-level, life-in-life union with Jesus Christ…

Cares: Wallpaper

“We do not need to worry because He cares for us; we do not need to carry burdens because He invites us to cast them upon Him.” — C.H. Spurgeon…

What Books by the Puritans Should I Read?

The Puritans have left us a wealth of timeless writings on doctrine and the Christian life. Which of their books should we read first? From one of our Ask Ligonier…

How Do I Recover from an Unbearable Tragedy? – John Piper

Some tragedies make life feel barely worth living anymore. So is there any hope that we could one day be happy and at peace again? Listen Now Read More Desiring…

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