I Feel Unappreciated — How Should I Respond? – John Piper

Ingratitude can make us feel unwanted and unnoticed. But our Father in heaven sees in secret, and he will more than make up for every thankless deed. Listen Now Read…

4 Ways to Enjoy God

While shaking hands at the church door, ministers are sometimes greeted with a spontaneous, “I really enjoyed that!”—which is immediately followed by, “Oh! I shouldn’t really say that, should I?”…

Alistair Begg on the Uncertainty in the World

Dear Friend, It is more than a little disconcerting to face the fact that every day I find myself responding to questions by saying, “I don’t know.” Now, I should…

Available Now: The Reformation Study Bible, Spanish Edition

Today, more than 400 million people around the world speak Spanish. Christianity is on the rise throughout the Global South, yet trustworthy biblical teaching is scarce for many Spanish speakers.…

The Bitter Fruit of Fearing Man: How to Recognize a Subtle Sin – Marshall Segal

Fear of man, unlike other more glaring sins, often hides itself behind various masks of love. It stalks the fearful and vulnerable while wearing camouflage, covering malice with the appearance…

Why Does the Sovereignty of God Matter? Ephesians 1:11–14, Part 3 – John Piper

The sovereignty of God is explosively relevant for all of life. Come study his power and authority over all things, including you. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, September 2020

The September issue of Tabletalk addresses the topic of time and the Christian life. The Word of God has much to say about time, including the fact that “for everything…

What Characteristics Mark an Effective Church? Part 7 of 7: Continuous Evangelism

How does a local church share the good news of the Gospel to those outside its congregation? And how does that compare to the standard given by the acts of…

Have You Ever Been Reluctant to Talk to Others About Jesus?

Jesus told His followers they were the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Through their words and their lives, they would be Jesus’ witnesses to a…

How Is Limited Atonement True When Scripture Teaches That Christ Died for the Whole World?

Did Christ die for every individual in the world without exception? From one of our Ask Ligonier events, John MacArthur discusses the extent of the atonement revealed in Scripture. Ask…

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