6 Christian families in India given ultimatum: Deny Jesus or flee

Police in India have ordered six Christian families to either renounce their faith or flee their homes after they reported being brutally attacked by a radical Hindu mob.  Read More…

China censors film production with Christian content including miracles, healing

China has issued strict new guidelines banning film and television programs including instances of miracles and healing — a move some fear will outlaw Christian content completely.  Read More The…

Church volunteer confesses to arson of cathedral in French city of Nantes

A church volunteer has confessed to setting fire to a medieval cathedral in the French city of Nantes earlier this month, badly damaging the Gothic worship space. Read More The…

Pakistani Christian family beaten for saving 13-y-o daughter from kidnapping by Muslim extremists

A young Pakistani Christian girl was nearly abducted from her home earlier this month when a radical group of Muslim men attacked her entire family, a U.S.-based Christian persecution watchdog…

China seizes children from Christian parents, threatens to send kids to re-education camps

A member of China’s Early Rain Covenant Church says the Chinese Communist Party continues to persecute members of the church by threatening to send their children to government re-education camps…

India: Woman brutally murdered by Hindu radicals for converting to Christianity

A woman in India who had recently converted to Christianity was brutally murdered by four youths associated with a Hindu fanatic group, marking the fifth religiously motivated killing of a…

Chinese man imprisoned for faith forced to eat live cockroaches, endure indoctrination

A man in China jailed for his faith recounted the horrors he faced in prison, from being forced to eat live cockroaches to enduring hours of indoctrination. Read More The…

Chinese spies who hacked COVID-19 research also behind pastor’s imprisonment

Two Chinese cyber thieves accused of targeting U.S. firms involved in coronavirus research also hacked the private emails of a Christian house pastor and shared them with communist officials, leading…

Nearly half of Brits oppose allowing gender changes on IDs; oppose trans access to women’s bathrooms

Many more citizens across the United Kingdom are against loosening restrictions on legal gender change than support easing them, a new survey shows. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Persecuted Christians ordered to renounce faith or lose COVID-19 aid: ‘It is a tragedy’

In the wake of the coronavirus epidemic, Christians in various countries are ordered by local authorities to renounce their faith or risk losing emergency aid. Read More The Christian Post…

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