What Does It Mean to Believe in Christ? Ephesians 1:11–14, Part 9 – John Piper

What is involved in saving faith? The devils, for instance, believe but are not saved. What is different for us? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Half of pastors expect post-COVID-19 church attendance to decline: Barna

A little more than half of pastors expect their worship attendance to decline after the COVID-19 pandemic is over, according to a new report by the Barna Group. Read More…

Upholding the Dignity of Singleness in the Church – Matt Hodges

I recently preached a sermon on singleness and was shocked by the feedback I received. Several single brothers and sisters told me it was the first time they’d heard singleness…

The Good Death in Psalm 73 – Timothy Kleiser

“It is not my intention to give away the plot; but I think I die at the end,” says Vivian Bearing at the beginning of Wit, the Pulitzer Prize–winning play…

America’s Secession Threat – David French

It happened before. Can it happen again? I’m talking about secession. That’s the question that animates David French’s new book, Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore…

Introducing TGC Essays: Theology for the Global Church – Phil Thompson

For more than a decade, The Gospel Coalition has been publishing a wide range of articles, podcasts, videos, books, and more. This work is driven by an observation in our…

Richard Weikart on How Darwinism Fueled Scientific Racism

Darwin didn’t merely predict racial genocide; he thought it would advance human evolution. Source Read More Evolution News

At What Point In Its Development Can a Human Being Feel Pain?

Peter Singer has argued that animals, like humans, deserve protection because of their ability to suffer. Source Read More Evolution News

Meet the Top Three Possible Supreme Court Nominees – All Women

Following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last Friday of complications from pancreatic cancer, President Donald Trump confirmed on Monday that he will nominate a woman for…

After Months of Rioting, AG Barr Designates Three Cities as ‘Anarchist Jurisdictions’

Today, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) designated three cities, New York City, Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington as “anarchist jurisdictions” because of the cities’ increase in crime and inability…

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