The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Roe v. Wade, and the Future of the Court

Kim Colby, Director of the Christian Legal Society’s Center for Law and Religious Freedom, joins John Stonestreet to discuss the legacy of a truly historic figure, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As…

San Francisco Catholics march in protest of coronavirus restrictions: ‘God has to be respected’

Six months into the coronavirus pandemic that prompted widespread economic shutdowns and disruptions to everyday life, Catholics in San Francisco marched in protest, decrying the worship restrictions that have prevented…

Jim Caviezel on ‘Passion of the Christ’ sequel: ‘It’s going to be the biggest film in world history’

“The Passion of the Christ” star Jim Caviezel recently shared new details about the highly anticipated sequel of the blockbuster hit. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

New Book by Biologist Michael Denton on Nature’s Miraculous “Primal Blueprint”

To see cells in action, he notes a remarkable video, “Neutrophil Chasing Bacteria,” made in 1950s by a researcher at Vanderbilt University. Source Read More Evolution News

UMC demands release of immigrant caretaker after ICE arrest on church grounds

The United Methodist Church is calling on the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to release an undocumented immigrant and father of two U.S. citizens they say was detained on church…

We’re living in a ‘kairos’ moment, repentance is necessary: Christian leaders

Christian leaders gathering this week in the nations capital are emphasizing repentance amid tumultuous times in what some believe is a “kairos” moment in history. Read More The Christian Post…

Over 130 healthcare professionals call on Colorado to ban late-term abortions

More than 130 medical professionals have signed a letter in support of a proposed late-term abortion ban for the state of Colorado, which will be voted on in November. Read…

The Rich, Contradictory History of Mormon Polygamy

For many, the fact Mormonism has a history of polygamy as an accepted practice is reason enough to reject the theology of Joseph Smith. But other supporters of Mormonism will…

Why (and How) Christians Should Vote

In the 2016 election, only about 61% of voting-age Americans cast a ballot. The percentage of self-identifying Christians who voted, both evangelical and non-evangelical, was pretty similar. In other words,…

The Time to Come

Here’s an excerpt from The Time to Come, William Boekestein’s contribution to the September issue of Tabletalk: For the first time in my life, people around me are tracking death…

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