How to Rediscover Orthodoxy as the Ultimate Adventure – Collin Hansen, Trevin Wax

“The church faces her biggest challenge not when new errors start to win but when old truths no longer wow.”

That’s the first line in Trevin Wax’s new book, The Thrill of Orthodoxy: Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith. If you subscribe you my Gospelbound newsletter, then you know Trevin is a friend of this show. I link to his column just about every week. If this line from his new book doesn’t describe Gospelbound, then I don’t know what does: “The way forward is to reach back, to find renewal in something old—foundational truths tested by time, a fount of goodness that refreshes and satisfies, long-forgotten beauty from the past that lifts our eyes above the suffering and sorrow of the present.”

His book The Thrill of Orthodoxy is full of vivid writing. I want to share a couple of my favorite quotes. Trevin writes, “The thrill of orthodoxy lies in its challenge. We are called to become not merely nice neighbors who are kind and polite, but holy people who look more and more like Jesus.” And this one:

Our culture conditions us to resist the lines and boundaries we’ve inherited from people in the past, but orthodoxy insists that certain limitations are necessary for freedom. If we do away with lines and limits, if we think every wall needs a sledgehammer, if we crumple the blueprint and toss it aside, we may feel free, but we’ll never build anything that lasts.

Among the many things I like about Trevin, he’s a builder. He works in teams, and he makes everyone else better. That’s what his writing helps us do, whether it’s as a columnist for The Gospel Coalition or in his many books. In this episode of Gospelbound, we talk about why heresy hunters turn out to be heretics, how we can know if something is orthodox, and why he’s confident the future belongs to the orthodox.

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